2018-08-20 Knife attack at Siegen

On 20.08.2018 about 02:50 am, in the night from Sunday to Monday in my hometown a 40-year-old man became the victim of a knife attack. According to different media reports, it was either a knife attack, a fight or a controversy with the knife. As of tomorrow possibly a relationship crime.

This all cannot help the victim, he is or was lying heavily injured at a Siegen hospital intensive care unit.
Even 5 years ago such an incident would have occupied the headlines for days. Today this is the normality in a new society? Further attention not desired, no horror and no outcry.
Also interesting is the description of the offenders:

Police Siegen, press review:
Offenders … are described as follows: All about 25 – 35 years old, all about 1.70 – 1.80 m tall, all southern appearance, spoke accent-free German. Two of the offenders had short, the third slightly longer hair. One wore a jeans-jacket, another a dark jacket.

Siegen Radio, online:
They (the offenders) are between 25 and 35 years old – between 1 meter 70 and 1 meter 80 tall, all have dark hair, 2 a short hairstyle, the third had slightly longer hair. They speak accent-free German.

A message in the news on 20.08.2018 even at 13:30 pm was not broadcasted. Not until 17:30 pm, thus 5 hours after the publication by Siegen Police, there was a message in the local news, then another and last message at 18:30 pm. Also in both radio reports the “southern appearance” of the offenders was not reported. At the 17:30 news “they spoke accent-free German” and at 18:30 news “they spoke perfect German”.

One may assume a faux pass or a mistake or develop another opinion. Due to the clear submission of Siegen Police and two different repetitions at Radio Siegen I do expect, that this is a sad example of intended gap press.

The original reports so far are found on the German page only.


Posted in Allgemein.