2024-08-17 Where has Zoz been since April 1, 2024 ?

Diagnosis on his 60th birthday: You will not survive this night.” Now this battle has also been won, here is the explanation why I must have seemed half dead at party conferences.

Dear all,
as you may see, I wanted to publish this story a week ago when I was still on vacation and this week not a single day has gone by in which I managed to leave the office before 4:30 a.m.

And yes, what you can expect from me and should always expect is coming again: I am like this, I was like this and I will always be like this. Anyone who knows me even a little bit knows that I describe myself as a paid optimist, never a politician, I’m sure I’ll get to that later.

01     responsibility, instead of scorched earth
That I am publishing this only now, and also this is very important to me, has absolutely nothing to do with a lack of trust, but solely with the fact that I could probably have destroyed so much of what we have all worked so hard for. Of course with this I do address, that we will join forces to end the truly embarrassing corruption in Siegen, as far as it is within our democratically limited power.

In the next few days we want to give the KV Siegen (local party organization at my hometown Siegen) back the status it deserves. WE are the GOOD ONES and we are the last hope for so many good people out there. And that is exactly who we are looking after and will not disappoint anyone. And for those who know me a little better:

Myself I do not leave a scorched earth behind

and I will always fulfill my responsibility, particularly towards third parties.
There are no exceptions.
And so I am infinitely grateful to everyone who takes part and helps in this.

And so I am writing down an important part of my life story right here, which could become quite long and far too long. Nobody has to read it, however I would like to be able to read it again in 20 years and I don’t want to deny my children the same opportunity.

02     good news first, Zoz is to become 100 years old, despite a brain tumor.
I had a quite difficult clinical picture to “work through”, if you want to call a 28.9 cm³ malignant tumor in the right (where else ?) half of the brain like that. In any case, others have suffered much more than I did. However, not everyone takes life and creation into their own hands as optimistically as I do.

For my wife and my children, for my family, including my mother-in-law, for these persons infinitely important to me, I recently asked my chief neurologist to explicitly answer two questions with YES or NO:

  • is GF back ? (GF is my personal abbreviation)

Chief neurologist’s answer: YES.

  • will GF live to be 100 years old (if he continues like this:).

Chief neurologist’s answer: YES again.

03     What was it like before & elsewhere? “You won’t survive this night”
This was preceded by a less positive diagnosis on my 60th birthday. Some of you may remember that my wonderful wife, who is now also belongs to my lifesavers, gave me that formidable inflatable plastic crown for my 60th birthday and we took the children to a water park. I won’t mention the name here since tragically a small child drowned there in the past, worst thing that can happen.

Another battle has been fought,
another one that I was able to decide for myself and for my family.

04     my 60th birthday in the water park.
There is also a sauna there, I went for it and had my first epileptic seizure. So that no one would notice, I threw a towel over my head and did run to the nearest shower. A week later, at the airport in Zurich, I had the second seizure with the first signs of paralysis on the right side of my body.

05     first CT on 14.05. 2024
Back in Siegerland, I went to the district hospital for X-ray diagnostics, really well equipped, from computer tomography (CT) to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), everything is there. However, the place was overloaded and I was „loaded“ on return. Before the scan, they wanted to place some “permanent access” into my blood-pipes, inject radioactive contrast medium during the scan and transfer me to a stroke department after the scan. Anyone who knows me, knows my answer, thank God that was and is my individual decision.

Instead, I asked about the nearest smoking area and politely pointed out that I had already wasted the whole day here and was now going home with my wife. Since that moment, the irritated radiologist probably didn’t appreciate me very much since then.

06     Lifesaver Dr. M. S., thank God my family doctor, will be with us at upcoming KPT !
I am allowed to name an incredibly good and, as far as I can see it, incredibly brave family doctor, who we all know and will all see again at the upcoming KPT (district party conference), being responsible for me. And he writes back to me saying: “I would do the same.” That’s something you have to be able to do as a doctor and he is therefore one of my lifesavers. The Siegen public prosecutor’s office would certainly see things differently, we all know about their unpleasant visits to his practice during the CoronaPolitMadness.

07     Lifesaver Albert, alternative medicine vs. the health industry.
As I have been very lucky in my whole life – if you don’t go an watch out for it, you won’t find – I am very proud and very happy to have met a wonderful person and his name is Albert. He is incredibly multifaceted and a highly qualified and impressive specialist in alternative medicine. If you let him, his life expectancy would certainly be reduced to a few hours.

To this, everyone should be able to understand that health industry is interested in everything, but certainly not in health. Only people who are as seriously and permanently sick as possible can offer the prospect of profit – that describes nothing more than a simple business model.

Under the CoronaPolitMania we have all experienced what can happen when this becomes a model on power and politicians get a taste for it. The good news is: these “politicians” has so much blood on their hands, so many collective crimes, crimes against humanity that simply do not expire. The very good news is that we will go and get them all. NOT ourselves – we don’t do that. But our excellent constitutional state will take care of it for us. There will be another Nuremberg trial, even if our grandchildren will do it. Our judges will also recover and find their courage, responsibility and backbone for the people and for society. That is what they are there for.

08       Constitutional State & Corona Heroes.
Everyone who knows me knows that I am still convinced of our constitutional state, with the caveat that I only accept this from bottom to top, not from top to bottom.

A Federal Court of Justice that at all deals res. considers itself responsible/relevant climate change/ClimaPolit-HocusPocus, cannot be a court of law at all, in best case can be some PoliticalNonsenseUndertaking. And unfortunately that is exactly so case in the former country of poets and thinkers.

In this context, I will allow myself to recite again what probably no one wants to read anymore.

As well known (I hope), I had banned everything in my company. 3G, masks and testing, offered spit test stations instead of invasive nose and brain drilling and simply did it right. Completely proactive, transparent, virtually an announcement with common sense and superior knowledge.

Politicians in health battle mode could not accept this and dragged me to Arnsberg upfront the judge. No way. I was lucky again, enormously lucky insofar, that that one of the few remaining courageous judges was presiding over the case. The scheduled show trial became a complete disaster for the district government, I did win completely which happened on January 8, 2024. Since this was so incredibly important to me, here again.

WE did win completely.

We also won a lot of lawsuits against insane curfews and whatever other harassment politicians came up with, from the legal status of the SiWi-ZCS Alternative School to stupid facemasks/shitty face-flaps exemption.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t even thank the judge properly since I had to rush back to Bismarckplatz in Siegen. From there we drove the second big tractor demo from midday onwards, having 480 heavy vehicles on road. This number I am writing from memory without having checked.

Great! All this after the 37th Motorcade Siegen (AutoKorsoSiegen). These are the Corona heroes. They are definitely not called Spahn, Lauterbach, Mues or Müller or, even better, the completely impoverished JesterScribes from our local editorial offices. ZERO backbone, ZERO responsibility. This also explicitly applies to my many fellow entrepreneurs. All that can be said here is embarrassment.

Unfortunately, their names are also not Steffe or Zaum, not at all. Where were they, the high-ranking local opposition politicians? Unfortunately, in Siegen too, it is all about positions, sensitivities and bargaining. And that is exactly what we will put an end to, within a few days. As far as I see things, there is a very wise saying on this, saying:

We don’t have time, the system corrupts the people (actors).
As far as I can see it, that’s exactly what happened in Siegen.

Also in my case, with God, not everything that glitters is gold. 3 of my 5 children are “fully vaccinated” (that was and has never been nor is vaccination) and have probably been boosted that often that it makes your hair stand on end, even if you don’t have res. didn’t have any on your head. Now I have head-hair again, since I cannot “cut-off” at present due to all these stitches on my head. Totally spooky.

09     to a politician.
My chief neurologist, whom I have come to very much appreciate, tried to name me a politician at least 3 times. At some point I couldn’t stand it anymore and politely asked him not to. Reason:

A politician “today” knows nothing, has nothing, unless he has been a politician long enough.
A politician takes everything away from the people and gives NOTHING back.

I don’t want to be like that, we don’t want to become like that.

10     political fortune hunters, Causa Helferich, Steffe, Zaum.
Among those we find „good-job” and fortune hunters who our country above all, our people do not need and. Anyone who rebuilds his basement in order to rent it out to a district council faction at profit, so with their living room, anyone who haggles expensive photo equipment back and forth to the same profit, has not understood democracy and service to the people and the people.

Although it has always been myself requesting, ” no PAVs please (party exclusion procedure) for 5 years, we need every single one supporting”, I would for his special case that I would be proud if Mr. Helferich (the friendly face of the NS – what a stupid nonsense) had failed over myself. I cannot say if that is really the case, but that would be a good one. In any case, his backside has been burned and our corrupt local party heroes are therefore forced to look for a new home. Democracy is the best political system known to us and will ultimately prevail again, even here in Siegen, and that in just a few days !

In result, I have decided for myself, that I will apply also for the German Bundestag again, As well known, I am always available, even as (quote) I would apply for the district pool-lifeguard. Either I am convinced to be able to valuable contribute or I am not. Where exactly, then should not and cannot play a role.

It is well known also, that up to now, my expectations of being successful in a party have also been quit relaxed. My motivation to compete with 1.000 generally completely uneducated people where 800 of them probably would deserve getting away with a prison sentence of no less than 2 years, has also been ZERO. That has changed, I am prepared now to do that, too and I am working on a positioning for myself to actually be able to offer this kind of service to the good cause (see photo at the very end). Half measures are far from my mind, which also should be quite well-known.as everyone should know. And I would like to have exactly that mandate from that fortune hunter.

11     Health system in Siegen, an astonishing and pleasant surprise, including Corona heroes.
For the first time in my life, I came into close contact with our health system at Siegen. I have to admit that what I experienced there did completely surprise me. I found really nice, friendly people with at an almost unbelievable level of motivation. There are still a lot of people out there committed to their jobs and I allowed myself to express and appreciate exactly that, most recently yesterday, on August 27, 2024. I am grateful for this experience, too. Spending a week at hospital at Siegen I would have never expected to be able to feel completely at home. Since I am not the one to show up for treatment/consultation in pajamas or leggings which I don’t even own, I would have expected something different.

To this, I would also allow myself the prediction, which I think is not at all bold, that 8 out of 10 people I was allowed to have met there could have already voted for me and may vote for me again, and this not as a politician but as a human being! This probably not at least since during CoronaMania exactly these people had to deal with the real reality set by of polit and jester scribes every day. All those are Corona heroes, too which I would not have expected. I am equally grateful that I was able to meet lots of people outside the hospital – yes – smoking area, where else, people like you and me. None of this would have happened “otherwise”.

12     back to lifesaver Albert, how to deal with such a diagnosis (you are practically already dead).
As Albert and myself had already worked out and registered 3 not at all unwise hydrogen patents 2 years ago – one will hear more about that in near future – he was my first port of call. Wrong. My first port of call was the district youth welfare office. I also cannot value (as always, free of gender nonsense pls.) help and support employees gave me the over the years. This in the extremely sad matter that I had to fight for sole custody of one of my sons, which in principle cannot be good and therefore cannot bring satisfaction or joy. Relief and freedom from worry would probably represent the more accurate descriptions here. But – if i had really died the other day, the damage to my child would have been immeasurable, thus this was and is absolutely top priority. At this point, THANK YOU for taking the time for us right away.

13       Discipline.
Then I went to Albert and we turned my life upside down in 3 minutes. At half knowledge, I imagined that a threatening-looking “tumor with fog”, which in technical jargon is called a space-occupying lesion with edema, had grown almost directly towards the ear in which I had been wearing a Bluetooth device all day. With the same half knowledge, it immediately occurs to me that I had been drinking diet coke almost non-stop on the cubic meter. Many of you may still know my saying:

one may take away my cigarettes,
however nobody takes away my Diet Coke.

My chief neurologist sees this completely differently, so far to half-knowledge.

It’s all over in a matter of seconds.

Since then, no milliliter of diet coke, no histamine, no sugar, no gluten, not a single microgram, but bread self-baked by my wife every day. In the morning, “Albert’s special mixture”, that quickly became Albert’s horrible swill, which was actually disgusting and beneficial at the same time. Then twice a day, vitamin C (annual requirement), via infusion.

The bowl of rice. Morning, noon & evening

Since I have always appreciated transparent structures very much, since that time I have been eating exactly like this and do enjoy very much. For dessert I have blackberries. The rice preferably with beef fillet or, at best but unfortunately rare case, with Kyrgyz wild horse meat. Always with oyster mushrooms, I will be back in Almaty and Bishkek in 6 weeks!

Either way, no insects, no wooden spoons or cardboard straws.

Yes, I like to eat beef and I do admit myself to it. Fatty “Bratwurst” used to taste good too, however this has changed drastically, for me it should be stuffed into the green bin. I’m happy to leave all this ideological nonsense to the comedians in Berlin and Brussels, who of course only demand such ideological nonsense from us in order to obviously overfeast themselves all day long.

and above all – NO more Bluetooth devices in my ears.

My lifesavers are Katharina, Albert and Dr. M. S. as well as iron discipline, thanks to professor chief neurologist I believe in conventional medicine again, or at least am starting to do so. I do admit that since the tumor was completely extracted/removed, this discipline has slackened to some extent. Everything mentioned above has remained, however I eat res. consume for four, which could become a real problem. Particularly, my enthusiasm for rice and meat is undiminished, and my wife prepares it perfectly for me.

14     rethink life and surprise yourself.
You may not believe it, but I would not want to miss any moment from the last few months in my life. I made experiences that I had never known before, and in some cases existing perspectives have been massively reinforced. E.g. I would never have thought it could be possible, to actually experience something as follows, which is just listed presented chronologically, unsorted and, unfortunately, in some cases, coming up ruthless:

  • Three persons obviously looking at the same monitor for 3 minutes without any cognitive activity can completely destroy the recuperative value of 4 hours of sleeping.
  • People who have been vaccinated and probably boosted almost enthusiastically under the Corona-Polit, ignoring their own ability to think, looking apathetically down on the floor when addressed and only raise their heads back again once the “threat to thinking through demand” seems to have passed by, make me doubt evolution. If they are my own children, I could go crazy.

If you don’t address your own failure your own failure any more, you have given up on tyourselves.

15     Nutrition, completely surprising impossibilities.
Meat, rice and insects have already been addressed, this is another ultimate part:

  • Water from PET bottles is no longer acceptable where it used to be the right other way around, in fact I cannot even touch any PET bottle anymore, I just can’t! There are only glass bottles of mineral water here, about 6 liters per day, previously only Diet Coke and ZERO water!
  • Biting into a meat sausage can leave you with the feeling of biting “on sugar crystals”. In the past, such a bite would trigger an explosion of taste for myself! And that’s exactly what happened and happens to me.
  • The stupidity of others is no longer accepted. I used to be much better at that ! As a result, I now ask for forgiveness/indulgence 3 times more often than before.
  • I have developed a general sense of gratitude. I can’t quite place it yet, but I notice that I say “thank you very much” 20 times a day. Possibly also because I can speak properly again, which was almost impossible over weeks.

16     extreme lack of understanding for NOT lived optimism.
has probably become one of the most important things in my life. Without courage there is no vision, just as without hard work there is no reward.

17     mental vs. physical state.
However own successes, no matter if physical or mental, has the opposite effect, in my case that strong and extreme that even myself, I doubt reality. If I believe I can do something useful, it is basically already done and I do feel/experience, that I can then immediately walk better, tie the tie or button my shirt much better and immediately. All things that my wife had to do for me in secret for months and unfortunately had to suffer a lot upon me. I would never have believed that mind could have such a drastic and immediate influence on the body. That is exactly how I experienced it – and I am aware that no one may or can believe this. But it is, or was, like that.

18     Interfaces.
Since interfaces are part of my job, I can say with certainty that what Albert did to me and to me must have contributed significantly to the complete success of the extraction. My chief neurologist was able to “fiddle” the tumor out of my brain like the yellow egg out of the white egg, which can be seen in the corresponding video (I unfortunately had to sleep through the “miracle”). No adhesions, everything came out completely and cleanly. THANK YOU.

19     Federal party conference on 29./30.06.2024 June at Essen.
That was really hard. My wife drove me there, to me it has been not an option, to not to go and attend, I just had to. Such undertaking with half of your body paralyzed can bring you to your limits. The conditions in Essen at that time are well known. The gauntlet under police protection, when you can’t actually walk at all, particularly not walk quickly, once you are no longer able to eat properly and bumping into everything that is on your way, was in fact less focusing upon myself but upon the police which has not been to watch. I didn’t know whether I was going to just fall over towards front or towards my back. The same of course at the party conference itself. Putting on such hiding-show can push you to your limits, too. Endless gratitude to my wife! Gratitude also to the police, with two exceptions. Two officers have seemed to take a break in their police car and did express the opinion that §everything was none of their business, which was embarrassing. To everyone who saw and met me on the party conference, you can now understand why I seemed strange and completely broken. Now we are going to the Federal Convention meeting in Berlin.

20     continuous MRIs.
I then went for MRIs multiple times since thus to check for deviation and changes, of course without permanent blood pipe access nor radioactive contrast medium. And what I saw convinced me. The tumor was getting smaller and smaller. My chief neurologist also greeted me every day with: “I have good news”. Thank you Albert.

21     chief medical visits in the dark in the parking lot.
Believe it or not, I regularly made the visits with my chief neurologist in the hospital at around 5:30 a.m., smoking in the parking lot. The professor of neurology obviously is an early riser like myself. The colleague who put me to sleep for the crucial operation and, above all, woke me up again, also came along once and it has always been my pleasure. To this one should know, that I try to avoid general anesthesia as a matter of principle. (a) it is my body and I want to see everything, (b) I think the risk of not waking up again, even if it is very small, is worth avoiding. I wouldn’t jump with a parachute unless it was absolutely necessary. You may turn up your nose, but I belong to that group of probably rather rare individuals who undergo a complete colonoscopy every year and watch this spectacle of creation live and without any anesthesia on a monitor. According to Prof. Colonoscopy, he doesn’t know anyone else doing so.

22     teeth extracted and PET-CTs, once through creation horizontally.
Then I had it plausibly been explained that you can carry around inflammation in your body for years without noticing harmful things that it don’t belong there. The classic example are probably root-treated teeth. I had two of them, and had them extracted 3 days later. One didn’t look bad, one was awfully stinky an came out covered in unsightly mush. I can’t describe it any other way. A PET-CT, again with half-knowledge, can unfortunately only detect infection foci that are at least 4 mm in size, but it is still an impressive procedure. This corresponding video is also more than just impressive.

23     and now it comes, my lungs.
I do admit, that over the last 10 years I have been afraid and worried that I might have a lung full of cancer due to my obviously unwise constant smoking. In addition, my father died miserably because of exactly that (always with half knowledge). Then it was my lungs’ turning up during investigation and I didn’t even want to take a look. And what do I see?! A lung like new. Just a single small black spot, and according to Prof. Lung, that was/is a blood-pipe being detected in cross-section. My wife didn’t like that at all, where the attempt to argue about that “it my lungs would not look good at all was unsuccessful. Prof. Lunge and I immediately agreed that I would now go to the smoking area. As a result, I can say that I have never felt healthier than I do today and have probably never been healthier in recent years either.

What else is there to come – and that’s exactly what I promised my children.

24     AutoKorso No. 46 on June 22nd, 2024, on the ground.
For me, the last AutoKorso Siegen (46) was harder than the federal party conference. However, the fact that I ended up in the ambulance that same evening was not due to the AutoKorso, but to my own stupidity, as I thought I had to mow the lawn and trim the hedges at home in zero time on that evening. I then lay on the ground basically beggeing for my life. The worst thing I could do to my children. Now it has to be ruthless again, someone else could have done it the job for me. However, if this person is just too comfortable and simply too lazy, then I get fed up very quickly and do it myself, which is well known. And there comes another absolutely unbearable thing for me:

25     Laziness and comfort make me despair.
I cannot understand, how one can live like that, nor how one wants to live like that. Life is unique, and one cannot let it pass completely senselessly. Others may call it puberty, with my apologies I would call it a terrible, indescribable failure.

26     the bad turn?
Previously, it was assumed that I had a benign, inactive and non-spreading tumor, in other words not a metastasis. In the results of June 22, 2024, the tumor in question, which had previously been getting smaller every day, then suddenly did grew massively and thus an immediate decision was made to extract it on July 15, 2024. In the meantime, I was able to learn to deal with 2 more attacks, both in the evenings in the office, using a type of emergency medication. My wife was always there. I was told that such a tumor operation is an operation that must be planned carefully but is also the best plannable and best carried out operation of all. Of course, I was very lucky again because “my tumor” had grown very close to the top of the skull and could therefore be operated on with virtually no collateral damage. Thanks to Bluetooth?

For a technology enthusiast, it can also be impressive to look around your own brain while standing freely in the chief neurologist’s office.

27     Dismissal report from July 31, 2024 & the cowardly Siegener Zeitung.
In the meantime, I was “somewhat unavailable” and of course I have received a number of lawsuits and proceedings. In this country, the evil right-wingers are sued at every opportunity, I’m used to that. This also includes, once more again, a cowardly Publishing House Vorländer (including Radio Siegen), thus the bosses of the JesterScribes of Siegener Zeitung.

Cowardly in my opinion since they are whining in their own complaint that I am illegally distributing their articles, which is also completely true in this respect.

In this regard, however, I would simply have assumed that one would be happy and grateful if someone were to distribute their miserable writings at all. Such things should be understandable to everybody, thus virtually guilt-free, so the responsible court will receive my dismissal report as evidence so that the matter can be reopened, which should also work out.

Just like I had to replace all election posters during in the past since SiegenerZeitung, in its endless concern for our democracy, was able to assert photo rights against me in a coup in the middle of the election campaign and in a really respectably successful legal battle. At the time, I gave them a cold, regretful smile for their poverty, and I also gave money.

However money doesn’t value decency, dignity or character.

Of course, as always, I will adhere meticulously to the law and order, possibly with a broad grin, will also be happy to apologize and, as a matter of course, correct my mistake, which I could not have foreseen, at the end.

How this publishing house must be under heavy panic that I could become the next mayor of Siegen in 2025 is probably not needed to be discussed any further. Embarrassing company. I will most likely be allowed and able to publish that, and I’m looking forward to it.

In any case, I am not explicitly attaching any documents here, pls. find reasons below (31), but do only quote from the release report, which states:

No further tumors were found in the chest X-ray and FDG-PET/CT. A follow-up MRI on July 10, 2024 showed a significant increase in the precentral right space-occupying lesion to 28.9 cm³.

There is an indication for surgery, either a stereotactic biopsy or tumor resection. Mr. Zoz decided on open surgery on our advice.


After receiving written information about the surgery, possible risks and alternatives, the patient agreed to the procedure. He was operated on July 15, 2024 as above. Postoperatively, he was monitored for one night in the intensive care unit and transferred to the peripheral ward the following day in good neurological condition. A postoperative cCT from July 16, 2024 showed normal postoperative findings with pronounced perifocal edema. Clinically and neurologically, the patient remained awake and fully oriented. The preoperative left hemiparesis significantly regressed. No seizures occurred.

28     the patient mobilized himself very quickly.
is another quote from the release report. Then continues: an MRI of the skull on July 17, 2024 confirmed the complete removal of the tumor.

This probably also means that I had to be threatened with security to send me away from the intensive care unit to the smoking area. After less one day, I just got up and left, and at one point the comment was made:

What do you want with rehab?
Can you be luckier in life?

29     If you don’t believe that
you are welcome to visit me and watch the complete documentary, which I do have of course. This also includes a complete video of the extraction. You can see footage of a masterpiece of craftsmanship and technology that you have never seen before and will never see again, at least not with the patient standing next to you in real life. Incredibly exciting and interesting. You have to be able to see blood, heart and soul. You can practically see my brain pumping with my heart. So much for the stroke ward station.

30     party soldier, cart-puller, the big team.
All of this will end up being a godsend for my critics within the party, which does not matter at all to me. This is an important part of me and my life.

It is true that I can never become a party soldier, and it is also true that I do NOT share the already bizarre palaver of many fellow entrepreneurs that the company is nothing without my/the team. I enjoy having people around me who are happy, creative minds from all nations. The company website currently lists 21 direct contacts who are fluent in 12 languages. I am everything but resistant to advice and am endlessly curious. But there has to be someone there to pull the cart; if no one pulls the cart, particularly Germany will never get out of the mud. That is exactly how I see it. Every tradesman in Germany knows and understands that.

In conclusion, I can say that it was not always the case that I see myself as  an enthusiastic supporter of Dr. Alice Weidel AND Tino Chrupalla. You won’t find such personnel in all the old parties. Both are cart-pullers, so my opinion.

31     to the politicians and the Jester Scribes.
Didn’t you tell us that Trump is in chains in the deepest dungeon somewhere in North America because he is so corrupt? With him, we already know why and what for he is not running. If I run for mayor in Siegen (preferably as a LittleMiniTrump) and give up my mayor’s salary for the benefit of the people, I will be accused of election fraud, even from my own party ranks. You can’t believe that ? It was exactly so during the last local election campaign.

And who will be president of the USA now ? I’m looking forward to it. Are you, too ? And who are by far the most corrupt women under the sun ? For me, they are undoubtedly Merkel and von der Leyen.

Also I wouldn’t want to “have a beer” with the district administrator and the mayor either, I would probably have a few bones to pick with both of them. We are not the opposition to curry favor. WE are hope, hope is immortal.

32     Speaking and writing (on PC)
describes one of the most painful topics. I have had the experience that I had a certain amount of speaking time available to me every day, but once that account was empty, I could basically do NOTHING more. Writing on the PC was no longer possible because I was no longer able to hit the proper keys. I called for help and dictated. Some of this help I received some of this not at all. In fact, there were some very unpleasant moments, some of which I regret today, but which essentially only left me confused and shocked.

I got down on my knees in front of people, particularly those who are very close to me, not 3 times, but probably 10-15 times, and begged and pleaded to please just type out what I was saying instead of forcing myself to discuss and repeat everything, wasting my speaking time account. And they just didn’t stop. Pure escalation over NOTHING and NOTHING again.

The answer “Pardon ?” and sentences that begin with “yes, but” have become unbearable for me. Today, none of this is a problem anymore. I can practically rattle off this “not so short” text and do so almost error-free.

33     Change of location and the search for success
My search for success began 4 days after the operation on, namely on July 21.07. 2024, with a return from a business trip on 24.07.2024. I went to Lake Constance to visit an important hydrogen colleague in Switzerland from there (see Zoz H2 & FuturBeton Initiative). My wife drove, I was laying across the back of the car and sleeping. Quite uncomfortable, the whole thing was successful and did a lot of good to me.

Until then, I had not been aware, that a simple change of location could boost significant recovery. I had already experienced this in a week’s hospital stay which right here I have to revise. It was obviously only a very short week but also very nice week. In any case. In any case, also there I have never been before and no 1.000 horses could have gotten me there before.

So, not against, but against contradictory medical advice, I did fly with my wife for a week to Gran Canaria for a “working holiday” (GC 01) and no, of course we had us flown. That was on 11.08.2024, with a return on 18.08.2024 and it was so nice that I decided already while we were on vacation that we wanted the children and my mother-in-law to experience this, too since after all, they suffered from the whole scenario just as much or even more than I did. We then flew back to check that everything was OK at home, packed everything up and then a week later did the same thing again for another week. That happened from 18.08.-25.08.2024 (GC 02). Next month, right after the upcoming KPT, (GC03) will follow.

There is an excellent hotel right next to the lighthouse in Maspalomas, which I have converted into my office. I have certainly been a real nuisance to my colleagues every night and I believe I have been very successful in doing so. We will see. Unfortunately, it was not so easy to explain to my family that for me this was not primarily about vacation, but about relaxation through a change of location and success. But nobody would benefit if I were dead tomorrow and I promised that I would not be. That also applies to our 6-year-old, who must have been convinced after the Siegen Motorcade (46) that he was watching his dad dying. What worse can you do to a child ?!

34     Zoz H2 & FuturBeton Initiative
Just as two years ago, I wrote a whole book about hydrogen cremation (which I call a thermal processing plant), I have came up with a new approach to the old topics FuturBeton and Hydrogen on parallel to my “medical inadequacy” and, of course can only expected success up to this point. However you don’t throw away something you think you’re good at. The decisive victory – and this is a highly relevant repetition – has probably already been won. I’m doing incredibly well and I feel and I’ve probably never been healthier than I am today.

35     Zoz FuturBeton Initiative (a)
If someone has asked me over the last 10 years, what is the best thing you can do, my answer has always been “producing and developing nanostructured super concrete. However, for a full decade, I have not been able to earn the money that would necessarily be expected, we are not even close.

The simple thought out solution here is same, quite simple: I go to the market as a customer myself and purchase around 2.000 tons of FuturBeton. This is the plan. There should be someone, who wants the orders.

Fortunately, I do not have to participate in Planned Economy myself, FuturBeton does not only deliver a pointless CO2 saving of a significant 20%, which should make it an economic self-running hit within the well-known ideological bubble, which in reality has NOT happened and probably never will.

As far as I can see it, we have to realize Planned Economy in Reverse, this to the same serious detriment of environment and the economy. By this I mean a monopoly economy and the active prevention of innovation, in particular by the cement industry and possibly by the construction industry as well.

This was exactly predicted to me over 10 years ago by the Chief of DIBT. The “Priest from the Lower Rhine”, Peter Hintze, whom I greatly respected, sent me there at a time, when today’s old politicians still considered me useful as the innovative model entrepreneur in Clean/GreenTech. Today I am burned out for it and likewise proud of it to some extent.

Looking in the mirror, looking into the eyes of our children is the rich reward.

At that time I just didn’t want to believe it, but today, after 10 years of insofar total failure, I have to believe it.

In addition to the useless CO2 savings, FuturZement | FuturBeton offers tangible economic and technological advantages, such as 3-4 times higher strength (140 MPA), which is equivalent to a much more expensive UHPC, is virtually waterproof due to its very high gel pore content and is therefore comparatively infinitely durable, lasts not 45-50 but rather 400 years, has an extremely high and adjustable early strength and all of this with the possibility of quantitative adjusting the crucial cement phases (B, C AND Al). In addition, the all matter has been fully proven. In 2012 we were allowed to build the public bridge Rosenthal at the Olpe County in Germany with this super building material, THANKS to the district building authority and THANKS to Straßen.NRW. 3 years later, a small 10-tonn demonstrator as a front balustrade at the Zoz-site at Siegen, thanks also to the building and heritage authority there.

Whether idiotic or not, including the CO2 savings that can be calculated economically within the ideological bubble and is not justified by ANYTHING, all the advantages would be available for far less than free, while our comedians in Berlin and Europe spend trillions of our money to regulate vehicles that are already CO2-clean (for those who believe in the CO2 fairytale) and ultimately to cut off the former jewel of the German economy, the automobile industry. I cannot understand why they put up with this without protest.

In fact, it was probably never about the issue, but always just about power and money and banning. In Brussels, the whole thing is in English, where completely overpaid officials ask themselves every day:

“what else could we regulate ?”
Sofar my opinion.

As I often say (softened here):

If our closest fauna relative wants banana, then climate uncle gets banana.
Best wishes to Joe Käser, one of the most embarrassing stupid thinkers under the sun.
Mr. Würth belongs into the same bag.
No matter how rich both are,
that obviously doesn’t make them smart.

In spring 2024 we were very close to erecting a monument made of FuturBeton directly on the Museum Island in Kaliningrad res. Königsberg for the anniversary of Emanuel Kant, unfortunately our well approved and experienced concrete construction company canceled at short notice. Putin, that’s not acceptable, the one who is said to have blown up his own pipelines instead of simply turning off the tap. Another thing that is hard to beat in terms of implausibility.

36     Zoz H2 Initiative (b)
My second choice for the best we can do is to use and store hydrogen at common sense, almost achild’s game (see e.g. bomb-proof H2Tank2Go® or Power to Gas to Fuel (P2G2F®). I was nominated for the German Environmental Award in 2013 for the latter, didn’t win it at the time and certainly won’t be nominated again any time soon, but again proud on all before.

Strategically, hydrogen is a much more difficult issue. I am also proud to hold the Hydrogen & Energy Science Award and am still convinced that hydrogen will be a key energy source in the future.

Here too, the regulatory madness is stifling any technological progress res. particularly its implementation. This just as the impossibility of climate protection has made the all-important environmental protection impossible for years, if not for decades. We should have learned long ago why it is precisely the Planned Economy that is ruining everything without a chance. This is all the more true and relevant for a Green Planned Economy, as it involves chasing after nonsensical “plans” with extremely expensive and extremely useless ideological goals

How could it come to this ?

Did or could the few Green ideologists really get us into this mess ? No, in my opinion it was only possible because the once respectable parties, CDU, SPD and FDP, all collapsed in fear of losing power and started singing completely stupid songs. Particularly uneducated politicians then only had to seize the career opportunities offered to themselves and they did so. That part cannot be stupid one.

And now we have them sitting there, the comedians in Berlin and Brussels.

In the professional world, it has to be noticed that even after decades of monetary subsidies and political intervention, not a single H2-relevant product does exist, that would be able to survive independently in the “free market economy”. Here too, we are lied to every day to beams bending. In the end, also science and education sings the songs of the donors. The best example is Mueschen’s (present major of Siegen City) University of Siegen, gender gaga up to the chimney, nobody wants mechanical engineering and materials science anymore. It’s probably too difficult.

37     pioneers of e-mobility, diesel is still unbeatable, 10 electric cars scrapped.
While frustration is spreading among the remaining experts, I am trying to look at the matter in a more differentiated way. A few weeks ago I had 10 electric cars scrapped, which were purchased already over 10 years ago to test StromKoffer | IronBird (Zoz/Airbus et al.). At the time, there were 12 registered so-called ZEV vehicles in the entire Olpe district, 10 of them with license plates OE-0Z-20 to OE-OZ30. I myself still drive diesel, which is indisputably the most economical and ecological way of getting around by motor vehicle.

Anyone says other, does not know what talking about or doesn’t want to know.

In the meantime, I have decided to partially relocate or set up a branch at Zwickau, you can’t go far enough east. Thus we can get Z-OZ license plates. Very cool.

38     H2 Hummer, promote hydrogen and new business models.
The reason why I am bringing the topic of hydrogen back into the spotlight has a lot to do with my wife and the fact that I love her so much. At the site (ZCS) in the very center of Siegen, she has founded her own company (Z-Places GmbH) and is putting both Heritages including the schnapps factory (former Hagelauer site) into operation at lot of sense. That after more than 10 years „horrendous expenses only (my fault). From now on, you can have a wedding in a millions heavy super beautiful building and that needs advertising. At the same time, we are taking over the second half of an aircraft company, ZM-Aviation GmbH, and that also needs advertising; my wife will be the CEO. The H2-Hummer is intended to advertise both.

39     H2 drone on H2 Hummer.
For years US military, one of our most important customers, has been suggesting to develop a drone with solid H2 storage tanks. At the same time, there was a press release about Deutsche Bahn’s rail replacement service, saying that bus drivers would have to be brought in from all over Europe. At the same time, I had decided to seriously run for the German Bundestag and for that I needed a mobile office and probably 5 bus drivers with whom I could travel back and forth every day with a workplace and a place to sleep.

For this purpose, a few weeks ago we spontaneously decided to purchase a 10-meter-long, 3-axle Hummer with a JET door. The fact that this resulted in a bad purchase and legal dispute due to the rush is another story.

In any case, the Hummer truck or another one shall be completely converted to hydrogen propulsion within the next few months, will be equipped with two roof hatches with suitable backrests by special approval so that bride and groom can legally stand in the vehicle according to the style of Pretty Woman. The rear of the vehicle shall carry/host an H2 drone that can capture the whole spectacle from a bird’s eye view.

40     skilled workers and highly motivated trainees for Germany.
Due to our excellent international network, not at least in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, it was quickly possible to find interested people for the 5 positions, the first received her bus driver’s license in Bishkek last week. We hope to be able to have this converted here first. Apparently we do not share Deutsche Bahn’s problem.

At the same time, a press report came out that the City of Siegen is no longer able to find new recruits. We tried it on the same day and were able to find 16 highly motivated trainees within that single day. Interested companies are still being sought, some already on board and in a few days we will be advertising partners on a snow-white Hummer, which will, for now, still run on petrol and will have to be on the road all the time, otherwise such an undertaking would be useless.

41     Steam reformation, 100 years of cost-effective, tried-and-tested technology vs. expensive electrolysis.
A steam reformer fired with city gas (CH4) generates hydrogen from water and can generate electricity and heat after electro-chemical oxidation in a fuel cell (PEMFC). Steam reformation (natural gas to hydrogen) has been used industrially for 100 years, also at the Zoz-site at ZTC at Siegen for 10 years in a decentralized and trouble-free manner. Technologically and economically, this is completely pointless. We split CH4 and then burn two fractions separately, which could be burned together without prior splitting with the same result. Of course we did not pay for this ourselves, but took over the entire unit plant from Siegen’s Public Utilities (SVB) for exactly one Euro after financing by the BMBF, German Federal Ministry led by the CDU at the time. The decisive factor here is that electrolysis on such a scale is not economically feasible today. This is actually only claimed; if you try to buy a corresponding device, as happened to us, you end up in Thailand.

42    Hydrogen will come, not under duress and not tomorrow either, technological change.
I am convinced that hydrogen will come, but certainly not under duress and not tomorrow either. Likewise, technological change only works “with” people and therefore has to “go among people”. That is only possible in a residential area and particularly then safety becomes the top priority. An H2 Hummer is therefore to be stationed in NHK (my residential township) and refueled with hydrogen using a reformer. This is to happen underground, but with gravity res. convection-driven ventilation in a technical room with a refueling station for the H2 Hummer (underground car park next door, same floor). The H2 elevator (see below) can be “mounted on top” to guarantee ultimate H2 safety up to the building height.

43     Getting used to Hydrogen in everyday life, giving & accepting time for change, demonstration projects.
Namely as the NHK steam reforming station and under the above-mentioned credo, we would therefore like to propose setting up a public steam reforming station in my place of residence at Freudenberg, which anyone who would like to switch completely or partially to hydrogen today can connect to.

44     Steam reformation, the main thing is hydrogen, no matter what.
To illustrate this, we are planning: H2 sauna, building/pool/whirlpool heating & power supply, H2 elevator, GPS robotic lawnmower with H2Tank2Go® as well as ZoLiBat®, Zoz lithium battery in the charging station and a hydrogen grill (patented in 2012), all with the classic implementation CH4+H2O=CO+3H2. It should actually start with an orchard. Presumably much later, when it is economically viable, the operators may produce green hydrogen themselves in a decentralized manner, which today seems economically rather impossible using electrolysis. At some point, it might not be far off having your own H2 vehicle that can be operated with sense. As many of the components as possible (approx. 2.000 tons) should/could be made from FuturZement | FuturBeton, e. g. like the before mentioned Rosenthal Bridge at Olpe res. the ZCS Balustrade at Siegen from the ultimate, free CO2-saving building material. It is incomprehensible that this has not been done for a long time.

45     Supernova Germany
catchphrase and support for all this could be provided by the Supernova. A lot happens when a star is exploding, even more happens when a star is dying. And that seems the case with the Supernova Germany, which is currently collapsing. Even the most devoted JesterScribes will soon be looking for a way out and trying to find their own safety. It starts with a knife festival instead of a town festival, it continues with the -E- on the license plate, where every driver signals that they have let themselves made a fool of willing to sacrifice at least half of the purchase cost on the ideological altar when buying it. Nobody wants that anymore and even the most stubborn will soon smell a rat.

For politicians who are ruining us, in some cases knowingly and quite obviously intentionally, this means being on high alert. Their fight for survival is probably already under full swing.

Thus it should be comparatively good news that there is someone who supports a not insignificant part of it and can also provide good reasons for it.

I spent three whole days writing the 13 pages, I think that’s the right thing for me and it did me a lot of good.

It’s also worth mentioning a completely new type of MechanoPhysical H2 synthesis from water, but I won’t believe it until I’ve seen proven numbers myself.

Thoughts are free and free thoughts liberating !And again, NOBODY has to read this,
FREEDOM is the greatest asset !

I’m a lucky guy.

2019-09-11 Freudenberg, Germany – warm invitation civic meeting

After a minute’s silence for the victims and heroes of 9/11, we want to name the politico-mania at Brussels, Berlin, Siegen and Freudenberg and discuss the ways out with you.

Myself I will bring a German flag, because this is our country. An American flag, because they are our friends and allies, as long as I can think. And a European flag, because Europe is what we need. The friendship and cooperation with our neighboring nations, not any dictation or paternalism nor any “on-top government” from Brussels-Technocratia.

Practically, the current topics will and should arise during our onsite discussions. At today’s speed of virtually daily self-obsessive insanity reports, any prior topic setting would appear non-serious, at least if you want to discuss current issues.


2019-06-14 EuroNanoForum – much climate less nano

To hear at Bucharest: anyone who dares to question man-made climate change (e.g. Zoz), shall go to jail. After all confirmed: more economical & ecological than “diesel” is not possible.

EuroNanoForum 2019
Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Progress under Horizon 2020 and beyond.

This year’s EuroNanoForum (ENF2019) ended last Friday (14.06.2019) at Bucharest/Romania. This conference is organized from the European Commission always in the country holding the EU-Presidency. And this at present is Romania. The current conference last week, earned the markings “Nanotechnology and High Performance Materials,” only to a limited extent. More on that later.

Not coincidently, also this time, Prof. Zoz was invited to report on progress, last week particularly upon…
Such materials in Germany are investigated under the premise “high-melting materials for the energy transition”, in the EU mostly under “materials for nuclear fusion”.

Also within last week, on Whit-Monday, Zoz hosted …. will move in.

In the world`s second largest building.

The conference was held in the People’s Palace at Bucharest, also known as Ceauşescu-temple. Representing the second largest building on earth, after the Pentagon, it can also be seen from the moon.
Zoz did not know that at all – and was astonished: “Tens of thousands of square meters of highly polished marble; such a thing can only be done in a dictatorship; the whole trip was already worth it just for this building; in fact, the list of wonders of the world should be extended.”


Materials- or climate conference ?

What was irritating at Bucharest is that hardly any of the numerous contributions focused on technology and materials. Almost everything and anything was addressing the so claimed man-made climate change. It was indeed more like one of those unspeakable climate conferences.

For Zoz, this unfortunately has not been such a surprise, but rather a regrettable confirmation of how far green religion and ideology have spread in “science”. Already in Athens, at the time of the Greek EU-Presidency, Prof. Zoz had asked during his contribution to the entire plenary session: “What’s wrong with carbon ?”.

Cleaner & better than Diesel – at present not possible. At least confirmed on ENF !

And so here, right in the first session, Zoz said it`s known, that already many years ago, Zoz had acquired 10 electric vehicles – and now, since the beginning of this year, he himself is driving a “Diesel” for the first time. That’s exactly, what he never wanted to do – because of greasy hands while refueling. However, Zoz continues, the insanity around CO2 and now even worse, the fine-dust scenario are hard to bear. Everyone should know that within the next 10-20 years, you cannot drive more economic and more ecologic, than with a diesel-engine powered vehicle.

Typically enough, the last thesis was fully confirmed by a plenary lecture by Prof. Robert Schloegl, director of the Fritz Haber Institute (Max Planck) on the other day. This could be read from a projected slide, Prof. Zoz asked for this in detail and Prof. Schloegl confirmed (by multiple nods) down from the podium.

Man-made Climate Change – Mumbo Jumbo.

Furthermore, Prof. Zoz claimed on day one with respect to the so called “CO2 and man-made climate change”, if one already believes this hocus pocus, then at least you should try to fight, where it could make most sense. Germany’s total man-made CO2 emissions are lower than just the annual emission growth in China. And the population of Africa is growing by nearly a million every week. “And those in the future all want to drive a car, heat their homes and drink beer from cans. Germany is already clean ! As clean as never before during my life”. Zoz appealed: “we have to go where the fire is”.

Exactly this was also confirmed on the second day during a lecture by the President of the European Academy of Sciences, Prof. Rodrigo Martins. Zoz asked for it and Martins confirmed. Zoz also complained that the ridiculous plastic fork, which he soon could no longer use in Europe, would not help a single child in Africa. With a thoughtful face, Prof. Martins agreed also to this.

Secret congratulators.

For his comprehensive and critical comment at the beginning of the conference, Zoz earned applause. At first break and from then on, so-called secret congratulations followed. In total, more than 20 participants (including some speakers who in public stated different) spoke to Zoz, thanking him for the “brave, open” words that they could not afford themselves.

Right to the beginning, however, a massive counter-critic, quite rude and grumpy came to Zoz. He (Radu Ionicioiu) introduced himself as a quantum physicist and claimed that Zoz has “no idea”. After Mr. Ionicioiu (according to conference proceedings works in an EU flagship in Romania) then even was unable to pass the simple quick test “north-pole melting away” (anomaly H2O), he admitted, that he himself “has no idea”. However, Zoz shall believe those who know better. When Zoz asked, who that is, the answer parodied: “the professionals”.

“Deeply impressed” Zoz finished this Intermezzo, and it should come even better.

Either believe or go to jail.

The speaker after the presentation by Zoz was Mr. Bert de Colvenaer from Belgium, who according to the conference guide entertains a “Public Private Partnership” there, presumably collecting public/EU-funds. He changed his introduction obviously with regard to the previous, as always also subject-critical lecture by Zoz. In fact he started by claiming that those people who would dare to question a man-made climate change, belong into jail.

Zoz could not believe what he heard and right away asked Chairman Barend Verachters, Deputy Head of Biotechnology of the European Commission, who was sitting next to him on the podium. Verachters answered, that he had not understood exactly. Thus, still on stage, Zoz asked Mr. de Colvenaer immediately after the lecture: “Did you really say, that I belong into jail because I consider the climate nonsense to be hocus-pocus ?!” De Colvenaer seemed quite tense and did “bleat” a clear confirmation.

Zoz further asked if de Colvenaer would consider himself as a Democrat and if he knows anything about tolerance. No further answer was to be recognized.

Conclusion: no EU needs such people.

Conclusion by Prof. Zoz: “it is a pity that the principal and good goal of the conference does not seem to be in focus, but apparently everything that is somehow steerable, has to enter the climate-war. After all, the number of secret congratulators is increasing. Unfortunately, this does not necessarily mean, that those are becoming more. It could also mean that fewer consider their support, albeit in secret, as more and more important.

Conclusion: prison threat, nano-event and gender.

To claim, “Prof. Zoz belongs into jail because…”, that was not a threat but an expression of opinion. With respect to the freedom of expression, this is to be accepted, even if blunder would emanate from a minion of public funds. It is truly regrettable, that a basically excellent event, which makes no sense without different opinions thus could not result in a profitable discourse, is devalued by qualitatively less good contributions.

Furthermore, the nano-event ENF should not be converted into gender hocus-pocus, however, this could also be a misunderstanding. Insofar please refer to the subtitle of the penultimate image row.

On images:

2019-03-21 For a strong, conservative Europe

..with strong sovereign nations. Prof. Zoz supports Centra Partija at RIGA, Latvia as the Chief Advisor Innovation, Technology & Development. Less Europe is more Europe !

One cannot understand, why the everywhere up-coming conservative, national and pure democratic forces are not working hard to forge deep European alliances. Salvini, Kurz and Orban – in Europe there are numerous good & successful people who could also help us here in Germany. And we would need that badly.

For my part I do a contribution at Riga/Latvia. For this please refer to the supplement right here, the video also does work now:

Less Europe is more Europe !

Dr. Henning Zoz, 21.03.2019

2019-03-08 Watchmen on the Walls@RIGA

There are many more of those who care about our Christian modern and progressive enlightened society. Unfortunately our churches are not included any more.

Attending this highly religious event for me has been “first experience”, highly specific and sometimes “real crazy”. The contents, fully and in every single word that were heard there, I undersign at deepest conviction. And I did listen very carefully ! In September/October, this will continue in Jerusalem. I really hope that I can be there.

Also these last days have been my first experience in Latvia – and impressions were excellent and amazing. Mostly the people, second an obviously beautiful city of Riga – where of course I could just see a very little.

And there, on the contrary to us in Germany, it seems to me that not at all, all people have lost good spirits and all brain. And that, even in this part of Europe, at least recognizable for me, not a single of those migrants, who we like to call refugees, was in the streets. I really did not see any. If you then talk to the people, the news from Germany seems to be enough and you are questioned, whether we (the Germans) turned completely crazy, and what we do to Europe. And such question is unfortunately more than relevant.

with Pastor Jeff Smith, NYC

f.l.t.r.: Aleksandr Bezzubec, Miron Sugai, Pastor Alexey Ledjajev, Aleksandr Vascenko (Candidate for President of Ukraine), Zoz, MdB Waldemar Herdt and Aigars Bitans (both Candidates EUP Centra Partija)

Why I have been there ?

A few days upfront at my office, I had received a friend from the Kazakh Embassy at Berlin, bringing over and introducing Waldemar Herdt, Member of the German Parliament (AfD) at Berlin to me. He came up with the idea to helping in North and Eastern Europe for the EU-elections in order to form a strong European conservative league at Brussels and Strasbourg. And that to me makes very much sense. That was on a Friday. Why I ended up in Latvia first, may be caused by a phone-call to/with Richard Gretzinger the other day, telling him about the day before. Well connected to Riga, he recommended to go for Latvia and on the same day introduced me to Normunds Grostins, the Chairman of the Board at the Latvian Future Research Institute and list leader for the upcoming elections to the European Parliament in May for the central party namely Centra Partija:

In result, I went there the other Friday, practically together with the same Waldemar Herdt, who is also the EUP-Candidate No. 2 for Centra Partija at Latvia. A lot of coincidence. Further I was requested to also joining the candidates group. Unfortunately, after a long race of discussions for and back, since I do not see a realistic chance to be successful on such “abroad list”, I refused this very kind offer and enormous proof of trust.

However, and in exactly same mission and full appreciation, I had confirmed – and confirmed by heart, that I want to and will support this small but conservative, human- and values-focusing party, to help for success for now and future. During the 2 days at Riga, we e.g. went to a joint TV-interview and I had contributed several hours of opinion to the festivity of Watchmen on the Walls.

Zoz and Normunds Grostins on TV, Grostins, Zoz and MdB Waldemar Herdt (on right)

Supplement 21.03.2019

As an entrepreneur with experience and expertise, particularly in innovation and (nano)technology,

Prof. Zoz supports Centra Partija, Riga, Latvia as the
Chief Advisor Innovation, Technology & Development

heading towards a better recognition of Latvia’s sovereign interests and potentials particularly inside the European Union. This is today not at all taken care all over the country and this is, what represents more than just a good match.

Less Europe is more Europe !

Grostins, Zoz, Mrs. Ledjajev (on left) and Zoz

This is why I will return to Latvia already in early April following an invitation by the Latvia Academy of Sciences and extending for Latvia-wide election campaign.

actors of the Watchmen, in the center Waldemar Herdt, Jeff Smith, pastor Alexey Ledjajev, Zoz and Grostins


Dr. Henning Zoz, 11./21.03.2019

2019-03-07 CDU/CSU goes Muslim CMU

Getting ready for new, self-invited majorities, the formerly Christian Union, major German party prepares the total abandonment. Democratic/Social becomes the Christian Muslim Union.

After the recently still maddening proposal of the Green Party, “why not a refugee (meant illegal migrant) could become the next German Chancellor”, the CDU/CSU parliamentary group leader is trying to top insanity in order to not to lose the race for the future voters, that are invited to Germany on our own expenses !

No Carnival and no comedians Stadl – but bottomless impudence.

Union parliamentary group leader Ralph Brinkhaus considers, that possibly a Muslim may become chancellor for the CDU and CSU in 2030. That’s the title of DIE WELT yesterday.

In terms of content, there is nothing wrong with this statement, he can think whatever he wants. We still have some degree of verbal freedom in Germany, albeit already clearly restricted.

And here comes the “however” !

Seen in context and questioned why Brinkhaus throws such statement unnecessarily and right now in the media arena, allows a deep view suggesting to fear the worst. The period between ideological absurdity and political reality has shrunk terribly in Germany. Insofar you may refer to “EnergyTurn, to Carbon-free economy, to the policy “automotive industry, please leave the country”, to the tolerance-driven education disaster or to the decay of “just fair justice”, etc.

And so now since 3 years we have been inviting millions of people to Germany, almost exclusively Muslims, Christians in Germany soon will be considered as racists on birth – and then of course you run into a problem, if you have “Christian” in your party name.

Phase I in the Brinkhaus plan is therefore called tolerant assimilation,
Phase II then abandonment and high treason.

I cannot believe that this is possible, and I have no idea how such people can look into the eyes of their children, if they have any ! That is really disgusting !

Values – yes, values, values such as humanity, non-violence, equal rights for women and men, the highest possible appreciation of human life – all this is just swept away. Germany and Europe are becoming the melting pot of uncontrolled immigration, which the semi-fortunate and flooded ones even are forced to themselves pay. Such thing actually is not explainable.

Meanwhile, the “BioGerman people” are cooked to tender and made compliant for their own exodus. With gender mania for dehumanization, with Nazi-past and pretended dramatic Nazi-presence and with maximum tolerance to self-abandonment.

The next Government-sponsored Amadeo Antonia (chief formerly Stasi) “handout” will probably be:

Ene Mene Muh and dead are You.
Means – if you are a Bio-German and still breathing, then you better kill yourself – the world will appreciate.
And don’t even think about having children !
Future belongs to others only !

Right this seems to represent the major message of the new CDU !

To make things faster, and particularly to avoid, that “the German” could come up with the idea of democratically punishing the Polit-Caste even more, Christianity must disappear from our world. Hence the statement, that the CDU is not a religious community. Absolutely correct. However, a community of values, this party apparently also and not at all does represent (anymore).

Here come two selected Web-LINKs (German only):

2018-10-28 Merkel abdicates under force. Attention !

The German Chancellor Dr. Merkel has announced to gradually disappear from politics. Everywhere great relief and exuberant respect expressions, which in respect of the “achievements” during the last 3 years are completely inappropriate.

What do we have to expect now ? Within the party CDU, all critics will immediately forgive her, so that their own party and its mandate holders, who have admitted the multiple disasters, are better off.

And what will an infinitely offended Chancellor do ? A chancellor who, just a few months ago, fully overruled her own party’s decisions, ignored the Parliament for years and trampled on our constitution every day ? A despot and sole ruler (how is that possible in a democracy?), who now forestalled her own shameful expulsion by the people of Germany ?

She might want to make sure to complete in another 3 years chancellorship particularly what she had started 3 years ago!

At least any correction of the fatal wrong political course in the mass immigration of Germany would not only be hindered but prevented – any change away from the infallibility claim was not heard and is not at all to be expected.

The Global Compact of Migration will be signed in Marrakesh in December and no one in the “old parties” of Germany will go on protest. The fate of Europe and particularly the fate of Germany would be sealed with a further dramatic act.

The chancellor’s probably and again well-thought-out plan might also be: “How do I leave under felicitations leaving maximum damage behind ?” This lady has no children !

We better should not rejoice too early !

Dr. Henning Zoz, October 2018