2018-09-03 Fraud propaganda ala NTV

In order to stay at least a little credible, NTV just on last Friday (2018-08-31) had to admit/broadcast that there were probably not at all any pogroms nor hunts through the city in Chemnitz.

And today – just 3 days later, the former declared truth is completely forgotten and the “hate” against criticism (criticism in Germany from now on probably and again equals hate) starts again:

NTV writes under the lead and with this made-up fake photo (original LINK at the very end):

“We are more” in Chemnitz
Inactive through the night
(parody upon a German pop-star who is NOT coming at all to that terrible concert)
a comment from Kai Butterweck

CITATION NTV: “Once again, strong-drinking rage citizens and civil war addicted neo-Nazis wandering through the streets of the Saxon province leaving behind devastation of blood and fear. Innocent people are hounded and hunted like wild animals.” End of citation !

The fraud maneuver already begins with the lead-up and photomontage, by which the “quick reader” should believe that the pictured nationally known singers/stars would be part of the left-wing action “we are more” and not just the actually expected misfortunes namely from “fine cream fish fillet” until “power club” (disastrous Antifa-close anti-music/noise).

What is then cited above is knowingly absurd nonsense and leaves you unable to find words anymore.

Probably, such tendency fulfills a criminal offense of malicious deception.

Here is the LINK to the original article today at NTV (German only):



Posted in experienced today, unbelievables.