2019-03-08 Watchmen on the Walls@RIGA

There are many more of those who care about our Christian modern and progressive enlightened society. Unfortunately our churches are not included any more.

Attending this highly religious event for me has been “first experience”, highly specific and sometimes “real crazy”. The contents, fully and in every single word that were heard there, I undersign at deepest conviction. And I did listen very carefully ! In September/October, this will continue in Jerusalem. I really hope that I can be there.

Also these last days have been my first experience in Latvia – and impressions were excellent and amazing. Mostly the people, second an obviously beautiful city of Riga – where of course I could just see a very little.

And there, on the contrary to us in Germany, it seems to me that not at all, all people have lost good spirits and all brain. And that, even in this part of Europe, at least recognizable for me, not a single of those migrants, who we like to call refugees, was in the streets. I really did not see any. If you then talk to the people, the news from Germany seems to be enough and you are questioned, whether we (the Germans) turned completely crazy, and what we do to Europe. And such question is unfortunately more than relevant.

with Pastor Jeff Smith, NYC

f.l.t.r.: Aleksandr Bezzubec, Miron Sugai, Pastor Alexey Ledjajev, Aleksandr Vascenko (Candidate for President of Ukraine), Zoz, MdB Waldemar Herdt and Aigars Bitans (both Candidates EUP Centra Partija)

Why I have been there ?

A few days upfront at my office, I had received a friend from the Kazakh Embassy at Berlin, bringing over and introducing Waldemar Herdt, Member of the German Parliament (AfD) at Berlin to me. He came up with the idea to helping in North and Eastern Europe for the EU-elections in order to form a strong European conservative league at Brussels and Strasbourg. And that to me makes very much sense. That was on a Friday. Why I ended up in Latvia first, may be caused by a phone-call to/with Richard Gretzinger the other day, telling him about the day before. Well connected to Riga, he recommended to go for Latvia and on the same day introduced me to Normunds Grostins, the Chairman of the Board at the Latvian Future Research Institute and list leader for the upcoming elections to the European Parliament in May for the central party namely Centra Partija:

In result, I went there the other Friday, practically together with the same Waldemar Herdt, who is also the EUP-Candidate No. 2 for Centra Partija at Latvia. A lot of coincidence. Further I was requested to also joining the candidates group. Unfortunately, after a long race of discussions for and back, since I do not see a realistic chance to be successful on such “abroad list”, I refused this very kind offer and enormous proof of trust.

However, and in exactly same mission and full appreciation, I had confirmed – and confirmed by heart, that I want to and will support this small but conservative, human- and values-focusing party, to help for success for now and future. During the 2 days at Riga, we e.g. went to a joint TV-interview and I had contributed several hours of opinion to the festivity of Watchmen on the Walls.

Zoz and Normunds Grostins on TV, Grostins, Zoz and MdB Waldemar Herdt (on right)

Supplement 21.03.2019

As an entrepreneur with experience and expertise, particularly in innovation and (nano)technology,

Prof. Zoz supports Centra Partija, Riga, Latvia as the
Chief Advisor Innovation, Technology & Development

heading towards a better recognition of Latvia’s sovereign interests and potentials particularly inside the European Union. This is today not at all taken care all over the country and this is, what represents more than just a good match.

Less Europe is more Europe !

Grostins, Zoz, Mrs. Ledjajev (on left) and Zoz

This is why I will return to Latvia already in early April following an invitation by the Latvia Academy of Sciences and extending for Latvia-wide election campaign.

actors of the Watchmen, in the center Waldemar Herdt, Jeff Smith, pastor Alexey Ledjajev, Zoz and Grostins


Dr. Henning Zoz, 11./21.03.2019

Posted in Allgemein.