2018-10-13 What is going on in such heads


2018-10-13 What is going on in those and what’s up in voters heads.

Ms. Katrin Göring-Eckardt from “the Green-party” (as well as Merkel in DDR times under Honecker, she has been FDJ-functionary for agitation and propaganda), education background high-school graduation and then theological studies aborted, had once suggested that soon ” a gold-piece (Muslim asylum seeker) might/should become one of the next German Chancellors”. Only for the friends abroad: this is not a joke ! In fact I believe she said this in the male version (German language) where the gender-mania anyway would not be relevant since practically only men are flooding uncontrolled into our country every day – and this November, by the upcoming “Global Compact of Migration” are to receive a UN-certified human right to migration. Illegal migration then does not exist anymore and Chancellor Merkel is no longer a criminal against the German Constitution, but off the hook. For this, each CDU / SPD / FDP / Green politician seems to happily be willing to sacrifice our country.

Mrs. Katharina Schulze, the top candidate of the Greens for the upcoming Bavarian election has probably also a high school diploma and then even successfully studied to become “intercultural trainer” (what is the name of such a degree course/program ?). Such massive educational background should already cause irritation in politics, at least among “the Green-party”.

On Thursday, the Junge Union Munich North (CDU-young) commented on a posting by Mrs. Schulze. That is completely self-explanatory, please find translations for both posts below the originals:


And what is the really shocking thing about all this ?
That there are people – and very many people – who give their voice to such “quality administrators” and thus power in and about our country as well as feudal income. Taxpayers practically could not be among them (certainly fully wrong) – I could well imagine only a voters group within the Antifa (left-wing terrorists).

What unites all three women is possibly the hatred against the “evil white man”. And since I have already sent 4 very little ones of those (4 sons and one grandson) – Grace-us-God !

The book “Merkel” is practically closed, everybody is just looking for the cosmetically best possible departure/dissapearing for the Germany/Europe-destroyer. Certainly there is no need for Merkel to practice another Christmas speech. Thus at least this year we will be saved from having to suffer greetings for a “lights-festival” rather than Christmas greetings which would have been expected by Merkel for our usual tolerance until self-abandonment.

Merkel is leaving – however the others stay – res. are just getting warm. Cold horror overcoming !

The educational background of our “World Chancellor Merkel” I had already questioned last year in the Westfalen Post and would do this again at any time:

2018-10-05 Rainer Wendt and state failure

2018-10-05 Rainer Wendt and state failure.

The following brief outline was forwarded to me yesterday by somebody I do appreciate and the authenticity is impressive. Short, concise and crisp – without any title you know what kind of state failure is addressed !

It is the absolutely avoidable exposure of our own population at serious dangers for life and limb. Freedom does demand sacrifices. However, even this healthy understanding of law eventually stops being healthy at some point. With open eyes, the German government brings dangerous foreign people into the country. That our citizens have to die under the knives of those people, in order that our Chancellor can uphold her infallibility and the left-wing`s can propagate their open multi-color multi-cultural jerk-land, this is not dodgy but a criminal offense in the sense of human-/ civil- and fundamental rights in each individual case. This is murder of your own people ! And very true – a state can hardly act more reprehensible ! Eventually comes the Last Judgment, someday somebody will update the history books. But before that, we all go vote – and please go for every single election ! Who does not seize his democratically guaranteed voting-right, for my understanding makes himself (no gender-mania) complicit and does particularly not escape from responsibility !

Rainer Wendt, himself the Federal Chairman of the German Police Union in the DBB, incidentally is right the one who said to me in January absolutely excellently: “Mr. Zoz, if my colleagues on Sunday have to carry a screaming Mrs. Roth (Green Party, almost zero education) from the street and on Monday she is acting as a Vice-President in the German Bundestag – that is unbearable !” I could not beat this anymore. This morning I checked with him on the authenticity of the following article and obtained permission to redistribute it:

2018-10-04 Right-wing threat in the quality state, spread by quality media

This is really hard to bear – a maximum of naivety and stupidity is assumed for each and every one of us through such press releases.

Same as our police yesterday on our German National Day virtually locking some part of a street at Dinslaken on instructions “from above”, since there was an AfD event (real conservative party). Embarrassing, very poor and fully non-democratic. And the police was embarrassed. As long as a party is not prohibited by our law, it is to be respected as a Democratic Party and must not be denounced by the rulers due to their fear to death from loosing their power. For this, the quality state already supports Antifa (left-wing terror).

In any case, I believed that after the threatened state revolution by 6 right-wing guys with one air rifle on Tuesday and after the terror by 8 right-wing guys with one fire extinguisher on Wednesday, the madhouse would already be in full swing. Not even close. It continues with the President of the State Office for the Constitutional Protection in the state of Thuringia/Germany, Stephan Kramer.

Citation Kramer: “My working hypothesis is: All the ingredients and prerequisites for right-wing terrorism are recognizable. Although the structures have so far been seen only in the beginning, recent investigations by the Chief Federal Prosecutor show that we are not wrong with our working hypothesis“.

The man is either misquoted, incredible silly or massively pressured from somewhere ! His dramatic statement can be rewritten without any loss of content: We have weather and that’s why it could rain soon – and the Chief Federal Prosecutor has explored, that we have weather.

Not enough, Kramer added: “Violence throughout the scene is increasing. There is a high martial arts affinity, physical training and shooting training. This indicates that the scene is adjusting to more and more violence”.

Anyone who says something like this, has nothing important to say. The KickBox instructors of the million young strong and mostly Muslim men we have recently invited into the country and still are inviting every day, are celebrated as integration heroes and the social insurances gives seminars to make us healthier and physically fit. And if out of possibly 8 madmen (in the case of Antifa we call those “activists”) from Thuringia, one joined a judo club, two the gymnastics club and possibly one joined a shooting club, then here and for us such a threatening tendency comes out. In the free economy nobody could afford such unqualified nonsense !

That the quality media collaborate well by even increasing the distance to truth and reality and by trying to create a veritable anxiety scenario, is well known. And this here is a wonderful proof. You just need to look at it.

And why all this ? If the rulers fail to distract from the significant and ongoing state failure in Germany, they will no longer be rulers. At the given kinetics, the reprieve cannot be going on for two years (as per the federal election schedule).

And here is the LINK to the quality article (German only):


2018-09-24, Baptism, Antifa, sermon and misbelief, Siegen and Chemnitz

National dulling works out even into Martini-Church at Siegen (my hometown). I was speechless this Sunday for the christening of my grandchild. Thanks to the preacher and Radio Siegen.

The welcoming by the preacher already started well irritating. She said that “today we are looking forward to a lecture and pictures and video from Tanzania and later mentioned: “what we still/also do today is the baptism of the three children … (3 names). “So far to the recognition of new members to the church ! So far to the appreciation of life, as long it is local life ! However, blatant and extreme is yet to come !

Then a sympathetic couple reported vividly and entertainingly about their profound experience with friends in sub-Saharan Africa. In fact, at first I had worried that “now again” the miserable debt cliché of the “White” towards the non-white would be served. Not at all ! We have heard very sensible opinions about partnership on equal terms and rather learned that in the said region in Tanzania it is more likely to engage in food, singing and dancing all day long. I was that much impressed, that I had shaken hands with both after the church event. The lady said to me almost representative: “We just report just as it was and is”. And that is precisely what I did pay my respects for ! However, this did not change the fact that from my point of view, there should have been nothing but the baptism important on that day at that church. “Tanzania” was beautiful, but in the wrong place at the wrong time – and I said that to both.

But upfront, the sermon of the preacher. A preacher lady who for my taste at least seems to sympathize with Antifa (today’s left-wing terrorists in Germany). In fact, I heard 2x “Holocaust”! How does that fit into a baptism ? Can our children not even be born without feeling guilty res. arrive at the church just as newly born human beings ?!!

Apart from the fact that I fundamentally reject the ever-worsening abstruse instrumentalization of the equally bad years of 1933-1945, today and unabashedly we are using Holocaust to enforce a submission of Germans under the fatal and massively Islamizing migration politics of the German government, bringing thousands of deadly enemies of Israel into Germany. Hard to beat in absurdity – but no one seems to notice. For this topic, pls. refer on this website to:


And now here comes the real unbelievable:
On 29.08.2018 I had posted this:

And indeed, I had listened to Siegen Radio and had to rub my ears, since a report on “Chemnitz” would have suggested to the uninformed consumer, that at Chemnitz, not a German was brutally knife-slaughtered by migrants, but that Chemnitz, flooded by Nazis, would have been the scene of horrible crimes from Germans against migrant-victims. And the result of such fake/false “media” performance, I had to notice on Sunday right after the baptism and still inside the church:

I came into conversation with two older and quite neat gentlemen. The one introduced himself as a former English teacher, who today is further qualifying such teachers. And the more I was irritated about some allusions to “Chemnitz” in-between the spoken words, after from my end I had reported my displeasure about a failed sermon and a failed prioritization of the entire church event. Of course I then asked for it and it turned out, that at least this one gentleman was fully convinced, that at Chemnitz exactly that happened, what has been suggested by Radio Siegen (and this virtually along with the entire mainstream media) on 29.08.2018. The truth is the opposite, that gentleman was quite surprised and I do hope that those ladies and gentlemen reporters will one day realize what they are doing.

With intended misinformation for whatever reason, one does in any case ruin the society.

2018-09-21 beaten and expulsed because of German language request.

A student requesting German language in the class-chat-group in result is heavily beaten by migrants. So far to experienced tolerance !

I did wish the same in August last year in the parent-chat-group of the elementary school of my second youngest child and was kicked out. In fact this explains, why on 07.09.2018, thus 2 weeks ago (I do mean these people:)

…why I had to communicate via my wife. And it was worth it. Group went on panic, probably because in my entire and relatively extended text contribution, it was just impossible to find anything wrong or false. Otherwise I am sure it would have hailed critics. Nothing came in, deep silence.

Here the screenshot #30.08.2017 (parents chatgroup elementary school) and the LINK to PP/Hameln:

Brutal zusammengeschlagen: Schüler wollte an Schule in Hameln auf deutsch kommunizieren

2018-09-11 Siegen DCE, Facebook & Climate-mania

The District Chief Executive of Siegen (where I was born), posted the following which for my understanding is not at all helpful nor constructive subordinating a man-controllable climate change as God-given. As for my convincement, there cannot be any climate protection, on the contrary the protection of our environment is very well possible and important:

translation original post (German only)

Some mentioned article at a local newspaper was okay – however this post just fails.

My answer I gave already 5 years ago. Not a single word I would need to withdrawal. Please click on !

2018-09-10 President Steinmeier’s trash concert

One should have a look at some part of the concert and the subtitled simultaneous texts – and also please take notice from the article published today at Spiegel Online “artist against right-wing”.

Absolutely shocking is, that Steinmeier, as the head of the Federal Republic of Germany, does right now not resign taking the whole government along with him !

In that sense, all those cannot be democrats at all !


Same shocking is, that also SPIEGEL, like all mainstream media and fully on the contrary to today, just a few days ago, namely on 04.09.2018 broadcasted a completely different message ! This is the third LINK.

http://henningzoz.de/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/IMG_9247_x264.mp4 http://m.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/kuenstler-gegen-rechts-bis-der-bullenhelm-vom-schaedel-fliegt-kolumne-a-1226821.html
Short video from the trash-conzert at Chemnitz promoted/shared by Frank-Walter Steinmeier, President of the Federal Republic of Germany Today’s report “Spiegel Online” (10.09.2018), open letter of a Bavarian police-man

From the video, I took a few sequences in order to translate the subtitles (original citations from the “singers / “song”-text). I am sorry to use such words, not at all my words. But you need to know what happens in Germany:

[and please notice – the following shall be against hate-propaganda and pro human rights !?!]

repugnant, disgusting, horrible and embarrassing !

Ich mach Mousse aus Deiner Fresse – boom verrecke. Wenn ich den Polenböller in Deine Kapuze Stecke. Meine Hausaufgaben mussten irgendwelche Deutschen Spasten machen.

I make mousse out of your face – boom verrecke (die a miserable death). If I put the Polenböller (some bad word for somebody from Poland and some explosives) in your hood. My homework had to make some German spas (bad word for spastic person, means idiot and anything bad).

Trete deiner Frau in den Bauch, fresse die Fehlgeburt. Für meine Taten werd ich wiedergeboren als Regenwurm. Eva Herrman sieht mich, denkt sich: “Was’n Deutscher !” Und ich gebe ihr von hinten, wie ein Staffelläufer.

Kick your (pregnant) wife into her stomach, eat the stillbirth [I am getting close to vomit once translating]. For my actions, I will be reborn as an earthworm. Eva Herman (German author and former spokeswoman of the national news) sees me, thinks to herself: “What a German !” And I give her from behind, like a relay runner.

Ich fick sie grün und blau, wie mein kunterbuntes Haus. Nicht alles was man oben reinsteckt, kommt unten wieder raus.

I fuck her green and blue, like my multi-colored house. Not everything you put in on top comes out at the bottom.

Gee Futuristic ich krieg Durchfall von die Bässe. Ich ramm’ die Messerklinge in die Journalistenfresse.

Gee Futuristic I get diarrhea from the bass. I ram the knife blade into the journalist’s jar (into the journalist’s face)


Despite the above citation, virtually all mainstream journalists faithfully, stupid and obediently have written and taped the greatest reports. Absurd and crazy. One of those comes here:

SPIEGEL 04.09.2018, Colportage of Antifa (German state-tolerated terror) and trash-news
Protest-concert at Chemnitz
That was more
“The proof that the world can be happy, multi-colorful and wonderful”: 65,000 people celebrated in Chemnitz, against right-wing extremism, inspired by Kraftklub, the Toten Hosen, Marteria, Casper and Co. A start, after all.
From Chemnitz reported by Elisa von Hof
Tuesday, 04.09.2018, spiegel.de

2018-09-03 Fraud propaganda ala NTV

In order to stay at least a little credible, NTV just on last Friday (2018-08-31) had to admit/broadcast that there were probably not at all any pogroms nor hunts through the city in Chemnitz.

And today – just 3 days later, the former declared truth is completely forgotten and the “hate” against criticism (criticism in Germany from now on probably and again equals hate) starts again:

NTV writes under the lead and with this made-up fake photo (original LINK at the very end):

“We are more” in Chemnitz
Inactive through the night
(parody upon a German pop-star who is NOT coming at all to that terrible concert)
a comment from Kai Butterweck

CITATION NTV: “Once again, strong-drinking rage citizens and civil war addicted neo-Nazis wandering through the streets of the Saxon province leaving behind devastation of blood and fear. Innocent people are hounded and hunted like wild animals.” End of citation !

The fraud maneuver already begins with the lead-up and photomontage, by which the “quick reader” should believe that the pictured nationally known singers/stars would be part of the left-wing action “we are more” and not just the actually expected misfortunes namely from “fine cream fish fillet” until “power club” (disastrous Antifa-close anti-music/noise).

What is then cited above is knowingly absurd nonsense and leaves you unable to find words anymore.

Probably, such tendency fulfills a criminal offense of malicious deception.

Here is the LINK to the original article today at NTV (German only):



2017-10-26 Forum Freiheit in Berlin

To the highly welcome English-speaking readers:

This link so far guides to the German letter, since I have not translated yet the full four pages. In case of high interest, pls. let me know and I will be happy to considering this service.

Thank You !

Dr. Henning Zoz, August 2018